Post Meridiem is an unreliable memoir of events that occurred in Los Angeles County between June and September 2009. From the bewildering cast of a state-run psychiatric hospital to the horrific exhibits of the Museum of the Morbid, Dan Lauer searches for comfort and solace from a severe depression-driven psychotic break from reality in all the wrong places.
Despite the harsh realities of most of the situations and the explicit descriptions of suicidal ideation, major depression, psychotic hallucinations, delusional thinking, and general despair, remember: there’s no reason this can’t be funny.
Cover illustration by Caitlin Hope Crawford.
Buy the Book
I want as many people to experience Post Meridiem as possible, hence the free audiobook. However, contributions are more than welcome and will go towards paying for hosting and bandwidth, recouping fees, and financing some of the projects I am currently working on.
(Free) Audiobook Episodes
Select the links below to listen to each audiobook episode completely free directly in Spotify. You can also listen to each episode in your favorite podcast client as they are released. Here are direct links to a few
Listen on Spotify
Part 1: Psychosis
Part 2: Depression
Part 3: Anxiety
Part 4: Absurdity
About the Author
Dan Lauer’s work has appeared in “The Ampersand Review,” “Ghost Parachute: A Literary Magazine,” on “The Drunken Odyssey with John King” podcast, and at the “There Will Be Words” live reading events in Orlando, FL. He writes, produces, and hosts various podcasts, which can be found and heard via
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